Hey people! I'm back ;D The blog isn't dead, okay? My internet at home still isn't fixed yet, so until that gets settled, I can't update often. But I'll try my best. Don't worry, this blog won't be abandoned. I have my ways of updating it ;)

Anyway, I have something that would blow your minds away ;D Trust me. Haha. I found this Math trick that corresponds with the mind! Don't believe it? Give it a shot.

Who Is Your Role Model?
please read from the top to the bottom.
No cheating!

1. Pick a number between 1 to 9
2. Multiply it by 3
3. Add 3, then multiply it by 3
I'll wait while you get the calculator XD
4. You'll get a 2 or 3 digit number.
5. Add the digits together

wait for it....

Now with that number, see who your role model is from the list below:
1. Marilyn Monroe
2. Thomas Jefferson
3. George Bush
4. Barrack Obama
5. Bill Gates
6. George Clooney
7. Martin Luther King
8. Muhammad Ali
9. Lee Ming Zen
10. The Pope

I know, I just have that effect on people ;D You'll get there one day.

And stop denying it. Believe it :D

Haha. Anyway, that was just for the fun of it. I got it off an email.
Hope it entertained you in some way. =D

written as Ming Zen